A Road Map To Losing 10Kilos

20, Jan 2020

In 2012 Mitch attended a Transform Fitness Charity Bootcamp and immediately after decided to start training with us. At this point he was 97kgs and had a chronic knee injury that required some rehab and strengthening to allow him to keep playing Basketball at a high level. Due to his knee injury Mitch had lost his ability to dunk and truly believed that he would never be able to again.

Mitch soon fell in love with lifting big weights and low reps, favoring the Squat and Bench press above all else with a 1RM squat of 145kgs. Add in some healthy eating and Mitch had dropped to 91kgs, seen a marked improvement in his knee, and was playing Basketball twice a week again.


“Since focusing on improving leg strength for a solid 6 months I no longer had issues with my Patella Tendonitis which had previously required shockwave therapy and blood injections. I could dunk again!”


But we weren’t there yet. Body fat was becoming increasingly hard to drop, a sporadic back injury had begun playing up and his girlfriend was still better at chin-ups than he was 🙂


Fast forward to April 2014, Mitch is working two jobs (floor planning, and a casual job stock filling), completing a full time Masters in teaching, coaching two junior Basketball teams, playing two days per week himself, training three days per week and had surprisingly started to put weight back on.


Frustrated by gastrointestinal problems that he had ignored for too long, Mitch finally began using a FODMAPS diet application, which allows him to find exactly what he can and can’t eat, and also identify the quantities that will affect him.

By committing time and effort to finding the perfect diet for himself this included

– limited nuts and dairy,

– no fruits except berries, bananas and oranges

– leaned towards raw organic vegetables

– switched to low carb or gluten free beer such as Bighead or Rogers

– cut out soft drink and juice, switched to Soy Lattes

– found a protein powder that he could digest easily and

– cut out Eclipse mints due to the Sorbitol content

Mitch began to improve his digestive system and saw some very radical changes to his physique.


He was now down to 87kgs, his body fat had dropped from 17% to 12%, pull-ups had gone from being impossible to banging out multiple sets of 10 reps, his dips had increased from using assistance bands to adding extra weight, and his performance on the court was the best it had been since he was 19 years old!

Check out Mitch’s Amazing TRANSFORMATION below

mitch b & a


8 TIPS that allowed Mitch to make these dramatic changes (and to be generally awesome)

1. Fix your injuries and weaknesses first

This took six to eight months with Mitch icing his knee after every single basketball game and training session to aid recovery and allow him to continue strengthening it.


2. If you have any signs of digestive problems, ANY SIGNS AT ALL, address them

See a Physician, Dietician, speak to your trainer or give the FODMAPS diet application a go, its cheap and effective. https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/monash-university-low-fodmap/id586149216?mt=8


3. Plan Ahead

When you’re working on some dietary changes don’t be afraid to check online menus, call ahead, ask for options, and if all else fails just get steak and vegetables with no sauce, you can get this pretty well anywhere.


4. Never Quit

Mitch made slow progress for 18 months before things clicked into place. In the last 6 months he has made more progress than ever seemed possible.


5. Have a balanced strength to body weight ratio

Being light enough to do pull-ups and dips, but strong enough to squat and bench press at least your own body weight is a good indicator that your strength to body weight is in harmony. This truly is important for optimal health and aesthetics.


6. Energy, Recovery, Motivation.

Fuel and rest your body to be as energetic as possible during training sessions. Always take the time to care for your own injuries and weaknesses to allow for optimal recovery. Allow yourself to be inspired and motivated by people in your life. Friends, training partners, studio members, trainers, anyone that you have seen succeed.


7. Use Eggplant for your Pizza base.

Everyone likes Pizza https://empoweredsustenance.com/paleo-pizza-crusts/


8. Use the Prowler.

Everyone likes the Prowler 🙂


*Mitch’s Transform Fitness Transformation Specialist was Tim Cox.

Transform Fitness uses Research Based, Scientifically Proven Training Methods to achieve amazing Transformations with every client. If you would like to learn how you could achieve results like Mitch did and how you could easily implement these systems into your own lifestyle then CONTACT US today for a FREE 7 Day Test-Drive!


Article Written By Tim Cox (Transform Fitness)


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